My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Hay Making Video.....2016

Day 9

Life in the hay field continues...

It is a gorgeous day here in Western Oregon

in the coastal mountain range.

The cowboy is on the tractor today baling hay.

If you look closely in the rear view mirror...

you can see the barn.

Here is a closer image of the barn.

 Here is a long shot of the barn:

The cowboy is making progress baling.

He will be moving over to the 

third hay field soon.

CLICK BELOW to see a video of Hay Making 2016:

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Thank you LuAnn for sharing your video, I've always wondered how they made them and never realized how much they weighed. I've been following you for quite sometime and love your work.

  2. So interesting and what a beautiful spot!

  3. A beautiful place !! thank you for the photos and video. Hugs

  4. That is so interesting! Thank you for sharing a part of your life!
