My Tips n Techniques

Friday, July 15, 2016

Back in the Hay Fields...

The rain chased us out of the hay fields last week.

The sunshine is back,

The tractors are fueled up,

My lunch is packed...

It feels good to be back in the saddle again!

It is a gorgeous day in the hay field...

If everything goes as planned,

I will get the last 2 hay fields done today...

This is my view from the tractor

looking out across the hay field.

After 2 hours, 

I have made several laps around the field...

After 4 hours 

I made it to the center of the field...

A couple hours of mowing left to do...

I am nearly done with the first field...

The cowboy is on his way with the baler.

He will have this field baled before sunset!

During the rainy weather I was able to

fire up my Bernina and do some stitching...

The gentle hum of the sewing machine

was soothing after riding the tractor...

This is a 2 yard quilt sandwich

that will be cut up and sewn into a tote bag.

I am joining Melody Johnson for her

Focus on Fusing Class...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. So beautiful out there! I'm doing the Melody class, too! What fun. I can't wait to see your finished pieces with that gorgeous quilting. I have one of Melody's quilts named Full Sails which from a distance is beautiful fused fabric but she did wonderful quilting on it, too!

  2. Farmers are so dependent on the weather!! You go girl! I'm also doing the Focus on Fusing!!! A big challenge for me as far as color combo's..not my strong suit! HA

    Love your FM piece....lovely quilting!!!!
