My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hay Season.....#3 Field

Day 3

We are mowing the 3rd hay field today

I am driving the 

International 886 tractor today...

Here is a closer look at the cab...

Yes, it is RED......

makes it even more FUN to drive!

We are in the third hay field today...

if you look closely you can see the red tractor.

We are just across the fence

 from the field we mowed yesterday.

Always a lovely view when mowing hay...

We have 3 or 4 bulls that winter 

in this hay field each year.

You can see the bull barn on the left side.

This is the view from the back of the bull barn...

 the red tractor is in the center of the image.

5pm.......the field is cut.......aaaah.

It will dry for a day and then will be raked.

Queen Anne's Lace

Growing around the edges of the hay fields.

We are back at the barn lot hooking up the baler.

The cowboy will bale the first hay field


Feed sack Tote Bags:

We bring home lots of horse and chicken feed

from the feed store in town.

The cowboy saves the sacks for me...

I turn them into tote bags.

This red bird seed tote bag is a favorite!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Your feed sack totes are great! I don't have any animals and I have asked the guys at work about saving me bags, but the food they feed their dogs don't come the right kind of bags. You on the other hand are probably overwhelmed with empty bags! It is nice to see them put to good use rather than head to the landfill!

  2. I'm glad to see the tutorial, I am overwhelmed with chicken feed bags. We're baling hay today but not big round bales. We're doing small bale baling today. Blessings, Gretchen -

  3. And I think it's a lot of work to mow my five acres...which actually is only about three acres after you deduct the buildings and trees. I wish I was closer to you, my last batch of hay (that I bought from a field not far from me) seems to have zero protein in it and the horses and goats are complaining!
    Love your pictures. It just looks so serene there!

  4. Quilting and farming...can't get any better than that!!! Love our blog for those reasons!
