My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Art Beads......making stone clay

I am itching to create beads 

that appear to be stone:

I mixed up my own recipe for......stone clay

I found a few seasonings in the cupboard that

 were well beyond their shelf life,  so I mixed 

them into polymer clay.

I also added in some dryer lint.

The seasonings and lint gave the clay 

the look of......stone!

lots of yummy stone-like texture...

Stone Clay...

ready to be made into art beads......FUN!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Wow! That clay is amazing! Can't wait to see what you create from it!

  2. How clever!!!! And it does look like stone!

  3. I wish that I saw this post a week ago! I just emptied out about 20 outdated spice jars into the garbage. This would have been a much more fun way to get them out of my spice drawer.
