My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Western Oregon Morning...

I haven't shared much of my photography with you lately,

and many of you have been asking for Gunnr,

so I followed Gunnr along on morning chores...

enjoy the ride!

A Western Oregon Morning:

Gunner is in his 10th year of life

As always, you are welcome to use my photography 

for your personal art projects.

Frozen Leaves

Loading up Cow Hay

Frozen blades of grass

Frozen Thistles

Westfork Barn

Gunner is hauling hay to the cattle...

My favorite guy

Gunnr rides in the cow wagon 

every morning with the cow boss

River Rocks at the bottom of the river

Frozen Ferns

River Reflections

Morning Chores...

Gunner never misses a chance to ride along!

For those of you who are new to the blog,

Gunner with his Portrait Quilt:

Gunner sends a wag and a lick your way!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Greetings from West Virginia! Thank you for brightening my day with photos of Gunner. Is he the best loved dog in America...maybe. :) Your photography is beautiful and I will be spending some time wandering around your blog.
    -Robin Elaine

  2. Thanks for the frosty photos.
    I can see how those ferns must be inspiration for some of your free motion quilting.
    Cheers, Linda

  3. Gunner is so easy to love, a gentle giant. So glad you are enjoying the photography.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  4. whoa, cowboy hunk with hunky boxer. Great pics. I am partial to a cow, so the cow shot with dangly earrings is especially attractive, heh heh.
    What a great post. And blog, I looked around. We're a lot alike. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  5. Hey Gunner Such beautiful photos. You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place!

  6. Many thanks for all of your lovely comments. We all inspire each don't we!
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  7. You are cooler down there than I am up here in Washington! I don't have the frozen ferns or grasses!
    I love seeing Gunnr. He's so handsome!
