My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hand Dyes.....Show 'n Tell

Day 2.....Hand Dyes

These are commercial white on whites.

Dyed with Navy and Fuchsia

Thrift Store Pillow Cases batching...

more pillow cases

Fresh from the Dyer:

Canvas Apron and Tote Bags

Pile of cotton hand dyes

Lovely to look at, but lots of ironing to do

Pillowcases hot from the dryer

Fresh off the Ironing Board:

A tiny canvas apron for someone special

A parade of canvas tote bags:

I have had these stored away for years...

I planned to stencil on them.

My procrastination paid off.....

glad they are dyed rather than stenciled.


When I see gently used pillow cases at the thrift store,

I snatch them up!

White on Whites:

They look like they came out of an Indigo vat

Hand Dyes......they lift the spirits during these

wet, dark, Western Oregon winters.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Luann, fantastic dyes. What do you use the pillowcases for when dyed?

  2. Hi is so FUN to sleep on a hand dyed pillowcase. My friends and family receive them as gifts from me every year.....they have come to expect them! I also give them hand dyed bamboo sox and they really love to wear them!
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn Kessi

  3. LuAnn, Thank you so much for sharing! Your work with your friends is very inspirational.
    Darcy Berg

  4. I have much enjoyed your dyeing posts. Those blues were dyed on white on white fabrics? They are so awesome! I have played with the same dyes and love them so much but have yet to try ice or snow dying. Also, my collection of dye powders is much smaller than yours.
