My Tips n Techniques

Monday, September 21, 2015

Quilting Designs.....from My Sketch Book

Here are a few more designs...

Some are a year old and others fairly new.

It's always FUN to see what is in the Sketch Book!

Maybe they will inspire you to stitch one of them

into your next machine quilting project:

I like to draw out wavy lines...

then draw different textures in each wavy section.

The designs can be used as background fillers

or stitched into most any place on your quilt.

Sometimes a simple the most effective.

Falling Leaves

Wandering Vine

Vines are always a favorite of mine!

Another great background filler.

Swirls 'n Flames

This can be done any any scale...

from very tiny to very large.

This fills an area very quickly!


String Beads

When stitching this out...

Draw straight chalk lines parallel to one another.

Then stitch along the chalk line adding circles as you go.

Then add designs between the lines of circles.

When you see 55mph on my sketch book pages,

it means I was drawing as we drove along in the car.

When inspiration just gotta draw it out!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. You must have known I was going to ask about the 55mph! Thank you for explaining it. I kind of thought that is what you were doing, but then it could have meant you were just drawing so fast, it felt like 55mph!, or the ideas were coming in at 55mph! It is always fun to viswit your drawings and designs. I may take you up on one or two of those designs when I am practicing my free motion quilting...if I ever get this silly top done, that I restarted from almost two years ago. (This is a good thing, it means I am finally getting settled into my new home, that I moved into nine months ago!

  2. Old or new, I always enjoy and find great inspiration by getting a chance to look at your Sketch Book. Thanks for sharing. Total #CreativeGoodness

