My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, June 27, 2015


It is definitely summer here in Western Oregon...

The yearling cattle are quickly eating up any green grass

that is left in the fields...

It won't be long and we will be shipping out the yearlings...

I will miss them coming up to the yard fence in the mornings,

just barely visible through the fog.

My days have been spent in the hay fields...mowing hay...

see the red tractor in the very center of this image?

We are nearly done with haying. 

This was my last field to mow.

You can see me taking the photo in the top left of this image.

  My favorite guy is baling this field today.

I will be saying good-bye.....for awhile.

We are hosting our son's wedding here at home in July...

just 3 weeks time for blogging.

Gunnr wishes you all a summer filled with 

sunshine and smiles!

This is the last image I will share from 

my online Photoshop class...

Star Lily backlit from the setting sun while I was watering.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Simply gorgeous!!! Love where you live! I'm so glad my FIL doesn't think women should do any work on the farm :) Mowing the grass is about as much as I get to do!!! Enjoy your son's wedding...can't wait for pictures!!!

  2. What a wonderful time! Thank you for posting your pictures and sharing a lil' bit of your part of the nation.
    Enjoy your son's wedding!!!!!!!!

  3. I've done my share of tractor time at my dad's farm! Beautiful country! Good luck on the wedding!

  4. LuAnn- Thank-you for posting a link to my blog on your blog! I am getting good traffic coming from your blog! Thanks! Kathy Kerstetter (
