My Tips n Techniques

Monday, June 8, 2015

Feathers.....Tight and Loose

I am trying to change up the way I stitch 

out feather designs...

The plumes on my feathers fit tightly together...

The plumes are stacked tightly against one another...

The plumes fill up all available space...

I love this look.

The image below shows feathers on the same curvy vine

that have been drawn out differently:

The feather on the left has very tight fitting plumes.

The feather on the right has open areas with loose plumes.

I am making a concentrated effort to create feathers

that have a looser appearance...

(these images are drawn in pencil, I hope you can see them)

The plumes have space between them...

This gives the feather a more playful attitude...

This style of feather has a bit of whimsy to it...

This is a playful feather...

Not so serious as tight feathers above...

It is difficult for me to leave so much open space.

My process is to fill ALL available space...

However, after an afternoon of drawing loose feathers,

I am grooving on how relaxed they make me

feel to draw them out.

Print one of these feathers out and trace it...

let me know if you like it.

Photography from the flower beds:

Nasturtium Leaves......after the rain

The rain drops bead up beautifully on these leaves

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. I really like the look of your looser more playful feathers. I too make them really dense to fill up the space. I will have to give some of the ones like yours a try.

  2. At first I wasn't sure I liked the "loose" feathers...but by the time I got to the last pic it's is freeing isn't it! That's my favorite (the last pic)...but I do still love your feathers! Just beautiful!

  3. I'm with you...fill up that space!! Guess I'll have to give the looser ones a go cuz they do look great!
