My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

2016 Raffle Quilt......Design Wall

I am designing the 2016 raffle quilt

for the Women's Cancer Coalition...

These fabrics were donated for the raffle quilt...

Thank You Nancy!

Large Floral prints are always a favorite of mine...

My art sisters helped me choose a few more

coordinating fabrics...

Design Wall:

My goal for this design is to leave room for...

Machine Quilting!

I drew out a large leaf on freezer paper...

The large leaves go nicely with the floral fabrics...

This feels good.....but needs a bit more.

This is the fabric on the left side of the quilt top...

I plan to add this flower image to the design.

I draw it out much larger on the freezer paper...

I've decided I want to soften the straight seam

along the bottom of the quilt...

I wavy cut the fabric along the bottom

then marked the curves with chalk...

This softens up the bottom portion of the design...

You can view the wavy seam better from this angle.

This is as far as I can go for now.

I will take this to the Harlan Valley Quilters.

more to come...

Fusible Applique...

I love it, but it makes a big mess!

 This is where I have been working all day:

The Thread happy place!

If you look closely...

you can see Thread Shed on the door.

Wishing you beautiful days!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. LuAnn, This quilt is going to be beautiful!! Also, love your space.

  2. Love the large florals, and I can't wait to see the finished quilt !

  3. Looks like you are having fun with your design. It is delightful!
    Love those tulips and the beautiful photography too!

  4. Thanks so much for your lovely comments. Yes, this is going to be so much FUN, especially when I get it under the needle and do some machine quilting on that solid purple background....yum, yum, yummy.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  5. Love seeing the process!!! Thanks so much this will be a blessing to many, I'm sure.
