My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Quilt Retreat @ the Palace...

I attended the Annual Spring Retreat of
The Harlan Valley Quilters
3 Days of FUN!
I focused on getting a few more blocks paper pieced
on my New York Beauty...
14 more blocks were added to the design wall
during the retreat...

On the last day of the retreat  I cut
90 centers for the double wedding ring blocks:

199 Football Units
90 Centers
I am ready to begin piecing the top together!
You can view lots of inspiring images from the
CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts



May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


LuAnn Kessi


  1. You NYB is going to be spectacular!

  2. Gorgeous quilt! Looks like you even used your ironing board as a small design all, lol!!!

  3. Hi Daryl,

    Yes, the ironing board came in handy. I originally made some 4 inch NYB blocks, but wasn't happy with them when I tried to incorporate them into the design with the larger 8 inch the 4 inch blocks are on the ironing board destined for a table runner. You have a good eye to notice them on the board!

    Hope you are getting some gorgeous spring weather where you are.

    My Best To You,

    LuAnn in Oregon

  4. Wow! Love your NYB blocks - wonderful colours!

  5. For some reason I think I would call this "New York kiwi" , just reminds me of kiwis. Gorgeous!
