My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New York Beauty......6 Blocks to go!

March 2014...

22 NYB Blocks on the design wall

1 Year Later....

March 2015

90 NYB Blocks...

6 more arc units to piece...

I keep this project on the wall at the Quilt Palace.

I only work on it on Mondays.

I feel like I am finally gaining on it!

and you thought I was just sitting around
twiddling my thumbs...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Your New York Beauty becomes beauty, it sparkles.

  2. I doubt you ever sit around twiddling your thumbs!

  3. This just makes my heart smile -it's so beautiful.

  4. haha... you twiddling your thumbs... now that would be funny to see... and scary in a bad way! it's gorgeous. and it certainly pays off to stay with it, even one day a week.
