My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lone Star……Digging up the Past

In 2001 I took a class with Jan Krentz

Salsa Star

Salsa Star by Jan Krentz

This is what my original paste up looked like…

Now…..13 years later I unearthed this unfinished project

from its storage in a pizza box.

I decided to change the paste up:

I put yellow diamonds around the red center and

yellow star tips…

How cool are these mirrors to show the entire

star image???

I had 8 completed diamond units from the 2001 class,

but I tore them apart to change the colors:

This is what the Lone Star looks like now 

on the design wall.

The red center stands out surrounded by yellow diamonds.

The yellow diamond tips will contrast 

against the black background.

My next step is to create the rocket units:

Rocket Units

Foundation for Paper Piecing the Rocket Units

These are over-sized and will be trimmed later.

7 more Rocket Units to go…

I have prepped all of the paper pieced units…

Cut all of the fabrics…

Now I can assembly line paper piece.

The mirrors help me visualize the final design.

I am hoping to work on this Lone Star Quilt as time allows

 over the summer months ahead.

My Fresh 'n Fruity New York Beauty...

is still up on the design wall.

I am hoping to steal a bit of time to

work on this one too!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

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