My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fabric Dyeing at the Palace...

I devoted the month of April to

Hand Dyeing Fabric...

The following fabrics are pleated:

This is what a full piece of random pleats looks like.

I have lots more to show, so they are folded and

stacked on the table for photographing:

4 different pleated hand dyes...

5 different pleated hand dyes...

5 more...

3 more......17 total 

All those pleats and colors make for a wild fabric!

Close Up Images:

I have lots more hand dyes to show you...

More To Come...

CLICK HERE to view: more hand dyed fabrics

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. they are gorgeous. makes me feel like getting out my dyes again

  2. I spent some time today dying a few pieces. I just sat down to rest and catch up on some of my favorite blogs. I really got a kick out of seeing that you just posted a boatload of newly dyed fabrics. WOW, you have been a very busy girl. I love hand dyed fabrics and always enjoy seeing what others have
