My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Eclectic Hexy Quilt.....Progress 2

The new Hexy Quilt Top is...

moving right along:

We live an hour from town...

I take this along and sew at 55mph...

It's amazing how much is accomplished

in just a trip to town and back...

I guess I will keep piecing until I run out of fabric!

CLICK HERE to view:  Baby Hexagon Quilt

CLICK HERE to view:  Grandmothers Flowergarden Quilt

CLICK HERE to view:  My Take-a-Long Quilts

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. You have totally inspired me to pull out a large hexie shape and make something fun with bigger prints. I usually hexie with 1 inch or smaller pieces - which means i dont do it often as its VERY tedious. but i love how this is shaping up - fun way to highlight prints!

  2. Am lovin' the large hexies!!!!

  3. Yes, these large hexagons go very quickly! This is a FUN one to make.

    LuAnn in Oregon
