My Tips n Techniques

Friday, February 7, 2014

Feeding Freckles...

We woke up to SNOW this morning...

View from the livingroom window...

Just outside the front door...

The yearling cattle are at the yard fence...

Brad heads out in the field with a bucket of grain...

Freckles hurries over to meet him...

It is time for her breakfast...

Brad heads back into the house 

for his own breakfast...

Brad gives Gunnr a pat 

and they walk home together...

I can watch Freckles and the Calves 

from the kitchen window

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. I live in Vancouver WA and also woke up to snow. Your views are far prettier than mine but nice clean snow is always a pretty sight

  2. Here in NY, it has been one snow storm after the other and we are expecting more tomorrow. I long for spring.

  3. Beautiful photos! I love where you live and the farm/ranch. That is how I grew up! I'm still a country girl.
