My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gunnr's Quilt...

In September I started a Quilt for Gunnr...

You can watch Gunnr and I make the quilt by

I put lots of quilting stitches in it so it would 

be sturdy and hold up well...

Gunnr absolutely adores his Quilt!

He sleeps under it each night...

He sleeps under it in the back seat of the pick up

on the way to town...

He takes naps with it during the day...

He even wears it around the house...

This is a well loved Quilt!

As a quilter, it is so satisfying to create a quilt

for that special someone who really appreciates it!

Out in the back yard.....early morning:

The fog hasn't lifted yet this morning...

but I can still see the grape arbor glowing!

The grape leaves are really putting on a show...

We are having a gorgeous autumn 

here in Western Oregon

Have you signed up for my Thermofax class yet?

Click the link below to find out more...

CLICK HERE: Thermofax Printing Class 


CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Lucky Gunnr to have a Mom who loves him so much he gets a quilt specially made for him! It's so cute!
    I love the pics of the grape arbor. It is so beautiful that it looks painted, but we all know that only God can make that kind of beauty!
