My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, April 20, 2013

2013 Challenge Quilt.....Part 3

I removed all of the lower sill fabric...

I am abandoning this lay out...

I went to town and brought home 

new window fabrics to audition...

This is a Stonehenge Fabric....I love it.....

but it is too dark

I lose the 3D attic window I am trying to create.

This is a medium gray.....

but I think it is too textured...

Another medium gray.....again, too textured...

Another medium gray.....much calmer...

might work...

One last medium gray.....

gives a good 3D appearance.

I will live with it on the design wall for a few days

before I stitch it up.

Lots of activity at the goat barn this Spring:

Mama Goat and Twins

While the mothers are out to pasture...

The babies gang up around one mama.

This kid goat was very curious about my camera.

CLICK HERE to view:  All Challenge Posts

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi


  1. Oh my goodness! Those kids are adorable!!! I wish I could have a goat, but it would be miserable here. Only room for one and that would be no fun for a goat.
    I love, love, love all of your attic windows. There were a few that definitely were too dark, but I really like the effect you have created.

  2. I love your sharing of your design process, thank you! My favorite is the first one that you liked that you labeled as, "might work."

  3. ohhh I love how you show us your trials - will you share this post on my Off the Wall Fridays (its still open this week on my blog) - can't wait to see this done!

  4. I love the trees - just an idea, but maybe experiment with the width of the shelf and side pieces? I'm wondering if the width is overwhelming to the trees.

    Love what you come up with, and can't wait to see your article that you mentioned - you will have to let us know which publication is printing it!

  5. Hi Elley,
    You were reading my mind. I went out to the Thread Shed today and whacked an inch off of the black sill fabric....looks better already. I am still deciding on the gray sill fabric.....
    Thanks for checking in on me!
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  6. Do you have a graphics program you can load this to and convert it to gray scale?
    Even though it is almost grayscale it shows you so much more when you do that.

  7. Do you have a graphics program you can load this to and convert it to grayscale?
    Even though this is almost grayscale you will see so much more if you do that.

  8. Hi Kay,

    Good thinking! I will give it a try.


  9. I just love what you're doing with the tree fabric! Whatever you decide to go with will be just gorgeous!
