My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thread Shed.....New Floor....DONE!

Day 4


I put all of the textile painting supplies back in their cupboard...

My supplies have outgrown the cupboard

but it will do for now.

Everything was unloaded from every cupboard

 in here, so we could move them across

 the room as we put down the new floor:

This is a neat old kitchen cupboard....quite vintage.

It holds a lot of supplies...

The doors close up and the clutter is gone.

This is an old armoir that was my son's baby dresser.

I refinished it for him 27 years ago

It also holds a lot of supplies, but hides the clutter.

3pm.....hauling tote boxes out to the store room.

I want to make a skirt for the table in the center of the room.

I need to store my sewing machines under there, 

and a skirt will hide them.

The Big Board is all set up...

Big Board    65 x 30 inches

Brad built it for me 10 years ago.

5pm......I swept the is the Grand Tour:

Right side of room....

Storage Cupboards, Cutting Table, Bookshelf

Gunnr's bed is back under the sewing machine....he snores a lot!

Cutting Table 2 across from the sewing table...

Media Cabinet, 8 foot Design Wall and Sweet Sixteen Machine

Thread Shed.......20 x 16 Feet

2 days to lay the wood flooring

2 days to put everything back in place

I will spend a lot of happy hours here this winter!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: All Thread Shed Posts

CLICK HERE to view:  English Paper Piecing Class

CLICK HERE to view:  Soy Wax Batik Class

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. Holy Cow! I am so tired just reading your last few posts!! Your room looks amazing!! Now, go take a nap,girl!!

  2. Looks great! I love your cabinets. Have fun in your 'new' space!!

  3. LuAnn, love your studio! I trust your studio will stay clean longer than mine does.... LOL!

    Happy Quilting, Carla

  4. Love your sewing haven! Lots of room for creativity...enjoy!

  5. That is a bright and cheerful room. That's the kind of room I would love to have spmeday.
    Nice work, now go, have some fun in there!

  6. Thanks to all of you for your positive and sweet comments. If I had known this would only take 4 days....I would have done it years ago! Sometimes just thinking about it, is worse than actually doing it.
    Wishing you all lots of quilting time this winter!
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

  7. Lovely studio, enjoy!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  8. Your room is beautiful. You have some really good storage space. I enjoy reading your blog. It is full of good information. Of course Gunner is my favorite!

  9. Whew! That was a lot of work! I'm tired. LOL. It's wonderful and I know that it was all worth it because every time you walk in there, you will smile!
