My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dyeing to Design Class...

I saved some of the black gradations I dyed last week for the class.

I decided to try something abstract this time:

It was therapy sewing just to cut the fabric into strips and

piece it back together again...

I cut the strip set into skinny strips...

I pulled out a design board:

I used the two darkest gradations for the background...

I see trees...

I like the way it looks at an angle.

 Here are the 2 studies I did with the black gradations:

I tend to work with vibrant colors in most of my textiles.

I learned a lot from removing colors from the equation and 

working with only shades of black.

Next is Lesson 2.....Dyeing the Color Wheel

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view:  All posts for this class

CLICK HERE to view:  My Challenge Quilts

CLICK HERE to view:  Fabric Painting

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi

The hum of the sewing machine puts Gunnr to sleep.


  1. I love both of these! The abstract "trees" are awesome! Good work on the gradients!!!

  2. They both look great. I can certainly see 'trees'and they look great. Swaying in the wind like our real ones are doing today!

  3. I like it! I can see some cool possiblities with this.

    Darcy Berg
