My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Buffalo Bull Fight......Video

This is an 8 minute video of a
Bison Bull Fight
in Yellowstone Park
August 2012

The Buffalo begin pushing each other around
3 minutes into the video

At one point the bulls are within 15 feet of our vehicle,
and my husband is worried they will cave in the side our pick up.

(I need to invest in a tripod so my video-ing
isn't so wobbly, but for now this is what I have)

Enjoy the Video:

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CLICK HERE to view: Fabric Painting

CLICK HERE to view: Jello Printing on Fabric

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. Nice video! I'm with you on the crazy people. I work at the hospital (in Cody, WY) where some of the goring "victims" are sent after such stupidity. They are beautiful animals, but very dangerous. Thanks for sharing your quilts and vacation!

  2. Great video! I agree with your comment about the crazy people. I work at the hospital in Cody, WY where some of the goring "victims" are sent. Bison are beautiful to watch but very dangerous. Thanks for sharing your quilts and vacation!
