My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bumble Birds...

The flowerbeds are full of
Bumble Birds..... aka Humming Birds

I took these images through a dusty window
so the camera had difficulty focusing.

If they inspire you, please feel free to use them
in your personal art work.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: Flour Paste Resist

CLICK HERE to view: Surface Design Techniques

CLICK HERE to view: Paul Harvey Quilt

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi
Brought to YOU by:
The Hen House


  1. They are beautiful! You'd never know those photos were taken through a window! One of these days I have to get a decent camera :*) Our hummingbirds don't seem to have that much color on their wings, unless the sun just doesn't hit them just right where we see them. They are ruby throats, so maybe the throat is their main color. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for sharing your photos. We don't get humming birds here so love your beautiful photos
