My Tips n Techniques

Monday, July 16, 2012

Gelli Printing.........Found Objects

Work in the hay fields has come to a screeching halt...

It has been raining for two days!

With extra time on my hands, I pulled out
the Gelli Arts plate:

Today I am using the Jacquard Lumiere Textile Paints...

I made a few hand made stamps from objects I find:

I found a bag full of rubber rings at the thrift store.
I glued the rings to a piece of plastic.
Made a great stamp!

The thrift store also had a pkg of chipboard letters
that I glued to a piece of plastic.

The hardware store had a huge pkg of felt circles.
I glued them to a piece of plastic I cut from the bottom of
a disposable food container.

 It didn't take long to make a dozen prints on fabric:

The Gelli Arts plate is 8 x 10 inches.
If you create your own gelatin plate, you can make it
any size you want.

I also came across this plastic garden screen.
Makes negative grid lines across the printed fabric.

This fabric was printed with the red rubber mat and
the black plastic garden screen.

These prints were created with a wire BBQ screen
and circles cut from freezer paper.

This print was made with a plastic screen from a food smoker and the chipboard letter stamp.

These prints were made with freezer paper circles
and the rubber ring stamp.

 Detail Images of a few of the prints on fabric:

FUN printing with FOUND OBJECTS!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE:  How to make Gelatin Printing Plate

CLICK HERE:  Gelli Arts Printing Tutorial

CLICK HERE:  Gelatin Printing Tutorial

CLICK HERE:  My review of the Gelli Arts Plate

CLICK HERE:  My Gelatin/Jello Printing Class Slide Show

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. What a fun day and I love the 3 colors you chose.

  2. Amazing, and simply stunning as always! ~ I love them all!

  3. I adore this post. Thank you for sharing!

  4. awesome post, thanks for sharing :-)

  5. I've got to find some garden screen. Had not thought of it. Also will glue some chipboard letters to something. Thanks for the great ideas.

  6. This is wonderful...I am lovin' the colors and the technique....I have never tied it but I would like to..thanks for sharing. I am a new bloglovin fan.

  7. i made a run to my dearest 99 cents store and got all kinds of cool textured items for my gelli plate - but your post gave me so many more ideas! thank you! and i LOVE how your prints came out! :)

  8. Hi I'm brand new to Gelli printing. I've only taken a Gelli Plate class. I don't get how you are using the raised objects to make impressions. Like the circles attached to the plastic. I hope that makes sense. I would lay down a stencil then put paper on top of it and rub. I also saw the leaf print with big plastic leaf and didn't understand how you used it. Sorry about so many questions. Any advice would help.

  9. Hi Rainy, you are a NO REPLY blogger, so I don't have an email address to reply to you. I will answer your questions here:
    When you press an object against the Gelli plate and lift it off, you have removed paint from the plate. That will print as a design. The silicone leaves act the same way. I press them on the painted gelli plate, lift them off. They have removed paint from the plate. Lay down your paper or fabric and make your print. I hope this helps.
