My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gunnr.......Feeling Much Better

So many of you have sent Well Wishes to Gunnr
since his surgery.

It worked.....he's feeling much better!

Look and see for yourself:

Gunnr spent the morning baking apple pies...

He likes the crust best...

Apple Pies....Ready to go in the Oven...

Cooling in the kitchen window...

Gunnr has something special planned for one of these pies....

Gunnr has a veterinary appointment tomorrow:

He is bringing Dr. Braat an apple pie
to THANK him for taking care of his foot.

I haven't made too much progress on the
this last week...

I will be back at it real soon!

CLICK HERE to view My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: Adventures in Art Quilting Classes

CLICK HERE to view: Jello Printing

CLICK HERE to view: Shaving Cream Printing

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. Glad to see he is feeling better. I hope the vet gives him a good check up. What a face he has.

  2. So glad he is feeling better. What a good boy he is to pose with a pie but not touch it. My Beagles never could have done that.

  3. Wow... I don't know what I'm more impressed with -- you making three pies or your baby boy sitting in front of a pie without even a nod down to consider eatting the Dr's pie.
