My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Feeling Groovy Quilt...

Day 1

I have had these fabrics on the design wall
for a few weeks...

I am planning a birthday quilt for our youngest son.

Brad came out to the Thread Shed and looked
at the design wall and said,
"Feeling Groovy"

So I guess this quilt has a name and I haven't even cut
one piece of fabric for it yet!

Feeling Groovy Quilt

Today I pulled the fabrics off the wall and
started the ironing process...

40 different fat quarters

That should make a queen size quilt...

After all of the ironing,
I cut them into 8 inch squares:

Why 8 inch squares?
That is a good size to get the most out of a fat quarter

Plus, the designs are large, so I don't want to cut
the fabric into small pieces and lose the cool surface designs.

100+ Blocks

I am inspired by this Happy Hour Book.

Everything is all packed into a Pizza Box...
It is ready when I am.

Last week I dropped my Nikon camera...
on the floor....eek!
While I am seeking repair work,
I am using my old Olympus camera.
Glad to have it...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view: Grampa's Shirt

CLICK HERE to view: The Design Wall

CLICK HERE to view: Art Cloth

CLICK HERE to view: Painted Fusible

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. I'd be feeling pretty darn groovy myself...beautiful fabrics and a fun pattern. I'm sure he'll love it.


  2. Great title for your newest art work! :) Love it, the fabrics and your plan.
    I hope your Nikon is in tip top shape in short order.
    ~Christina in Cleveland
