My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Keeping it in.....the Family

Passing on the Art of Quilting...

Click images to Enlarge:

The year is 1999
This is my 8 year old niece, Jamie.
While visiting her in Washington State, we spent 3 days together.
Jamie hand pieced and hand quilted this baby doll quilt.

Here we are in 2001, Jamie is 10 years.
She is learning to piece an Around the World quilt.
She is using a sewing machine we found at a garage
sale for $5.

This is Jamie in 2010.....all grown up!
She is holding a quilt she made in the Thread Shed
when she was 12 years of age.
She designed it on graph paper and pieced it herself.
Yes, she did the applique work too!

Meet my niece, Kindra

This is Kindra at the age of 8 with her very first quilt.
She designed it herself, learned to use a sewing machine
and machine quilted it too!
She kept the Thread Shed humming along...

Here is kindra a few years later with her Star Quilt.
She drew it out on graph paper and designed it herself.
It is machine pieced and machine quilted by Kindra.
She exhibited it at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show.
p.s. We found a sewing machine at the thrift store
for Kindra that year.

Here I am with my niece and my student, Kindra.
This is the quilt I made for her when she graduated.
Because she is a quilter herself...
she takes excellent care of her quilts!

This is my sister on the right...
After nagging her for 15 years, she finally gave in and came over to the Thread Shed for quilting lessons.
This is the graduation quilt she created for her daughter Kindra.

Am I proud of them......YES
I am jumping for joy!

This is a photo I took of Kindra at the age of 7 years.
She came into the house holding this fledgling bird that had fallen from its nest.

How could I resist...
I just couldn't...
so here it is as a quilted textile.
I used my new Neocolor II Portrait Quilt Technique.

Yes, we are keeping it in.....the FAMILY.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view my Neocolor II Portraits

CLICK HERE to view my Corded Binding Technique Tutorial

CLICK HERE to view the Thread Shed

CLICK HERE: Featured Quilter

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. I love how you are always so willing to share your love of color, texture and talent with so many, LuAnn - not only with family but with anyone you come into contact with. You are a blessing to so many and a ray of sunshine!

  2. Hi Suzette,
    Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. Quilting brings so much to my life, I just want others to feel what I feel.
    Wishing you all the Best,
