My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Portrait Class......Altering Images

We just returned from a road trip to
Yakima, Washington

This is the view when we pulled down the driveway:

Click Images to Enlarge

The Iris are blooming !

Suzy was glad to be home too !

The Lupine are blooming !

These Iris Blooms will be perfect images
for the Portrait Class later this month...

The evening sunshine enhances the iris petals

I need to alter these Iris images in Photoshop
and print them on fabric for the students...

While we were gone I spent a few days watching this
Killdeer Bird:

She is a beauty...

She is so protective of her nest full of eggs...

Here she is keeping her eggs warm...

Look closely...
She is nesting in the gravel just outside my sister's house.
She blends in so well.

This old piece of farm equipment has literally been put out to pasture

Combine.....side view

Gleaner Baldwin
Built By Allis-Chalmers

I am always happy to share my photography.
If you are inspired by these images,
feel free to use them in your personal art work.

I had a fun time visiting my sister. We spent a couple of days in her sewing room. I made lots of progress piecing my Double Wedding Ring Quit......I was too busy taking photos of the Killdeer bird that I forgot to take pictures of the quilt.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view my Art Quilts

CLICK HERE to view Sunprinting

CLICK HERE to view Thermofax Screen Printing

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. Love the bird and the iris, combine was super cool too. lucky students! Am sure you will have a good time!

  2. Your photos are lovely! Thank you for sharing them. The combine sitting in the field makes me feel sad somehow. I come from the country and nowadays it seems to be getting somewhat like this machine - a little abandoned. There is a lot of good farmland near where my Mother lives (in southeastern Ohio) going back to forest because so many people cannot make a living on the land anymore. Sad, somehow (though, to be truthful, I like the wildness better, myself:).


  3. Lovely photos - thanks for sharing. I need all that colour as I sit here shivering at 2:15pm and looking at the grey, grey, grey sky outside!

  4. That Kildeer is beautiful! Have never seen one in my parts. Our irises are just opening also,yahoo!

    your photos are beautiful.
