My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rust Dyeing Results...

Sunday I spent the day soaking fabric in vinegar, wrapping rusty objects inside the fabric, then bundling it up tight in plastic bags to rust outside in the hot sunshine.

48 Hours later...this is what I found:

Enjoy the Slideshow

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Rust Dyeing Tips:

* Choose very rusty items.
* Soak fabric in vinegar before wrapping rusty items inside.
* You can also sprinkle rock salt inside the bundle.
* Odd shaped items should be wrapped with cord or wire to keep the fabric tightly wound around the rusty items.
* Wrap the bundle inside a plastic bag.
* Very HOT weather makes the rusting process go quickly.
* Place the bundles outside in the sunshine for 2 - 5 days.
* It was in the 90's here, so my fabric rusted in 2 days.
* After the rusting process, Soak the fabrics in a bucket of water with 1 cup of baking soda for a few hours.
* Rinse Rusted Fabrics outside with a hose, then place in the washing machine & dryer.
* Rusted Fabrics will lighten up after washing.

CLICK HERE to view these fabrics WASHED, DRIED & IRONED

CLICK HERE to view Rust Hunting

CLICK HERE to view the Cow Pony Quilt

CLICK HERE to view Classes

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full of Rust,


  1. Hi, I just LOVE what you do with rust, fabric, imagination and an abundance of talent I have to say!! I'd really like to try this technique but we live in a part of the world that's not famed for it's sunshine!! (Shetland Isles, UK). Can I still use this technique or would it just not work. We do have SOME sun but not really HOT or terribly bright sunshine.

  2. Hi Kate,
    Yes, you can rust fabric anytime, even indoors.
    I have rusted fabric in the winter, leaving the bundles near our wood stove to keep them warm.
    It just takes a bit longer, perhaps a week or so.
    Give it a try...
    LuAnn in Oregon

  3. Wow! You get fantastic results! Makes me wish I'd taken a trip to the junk yard this summer and stocked up on old brake rotors! Thanks for putting the slide show together. It's a nice way to present your results!

  4. Thanks so much for showing this rust dying. Ny hubby has all those items out back rusting away. He didn't know he was doing it for me but I'm going to confiscate them for awhile. Loved the slide show!
