My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take the Bitter with the Sweet...

Brad came home with the pick up & trailer.

We need to go across the river and check on the cattle.

There are new baby calves expected...

Click Images to Enlarge:

We are pulling the trailer just in case we need to bring a cow home to pull a calf.

Climb in the cab, we are on our way to check on the cows and calves.

Sure enough, we had to bring this heifer home.
She is having her first calf, and having a difficult time.

We loaded her in the chute so Brad can check on her progress...

Brad pulling the calf...

It's not a big calf, but she isn't able to have it on her own without assistance.

The calf is alive and came out mooing.......

Mama gets busy and cleans her new calf

Sometimes in life we must take the bitter with the sweet...

The mother cow on the right cleans her new calf...

The mother cow on the left stands beside her stillborn calf.

The dairy in town has a new bull calf that needs a mama...

Here is the mother cow with her new bull calf.
She didn't like the calf, she knew it wasn't her calf.

So the hide from her calf is tied on the new calf...
She smelled him......she likes him now!

After a few days, Brad removed the hide and she accepted the new calf as her own.

This cow and calf are now out in the pasture with the other mamas and babies.

Aren't you glad there was a happy ending!

Life and death are part of all of our lives, and more so for farming families. We never become numb to the bitter moments, and we rejoice in all the sweetness that comes our way.

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May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,


  1. Beautiful photo story. Life does have the bad with the good! I'm pleased the little bull has a new Mama and The cow has a content baby

  2. Hi Sally,
    Thank you for your sweet comments.
    Life and death are part of all of our lives, and more so for farming families. We never become numb to the bitter moments, and we rejoice in all the sweetness that comes our way.
    LuAnn in Oregon

  3. We always keep the cows next to the house in the corrals when they are calving. We do our calving in March and April. This weekend we're doing our family branding of all the new calves.

  4. We always keep the cows next to the house in the corrals when they are calving. We do our calving in March and April. This weekend we're doing our family branding of all the new calves.

  5. Love your blog and all of your photo coverage... this one was just great (as always!) Thanks for all your efforts - I really do enjoy reading and seeing what you post!
