My Tips n Techniques

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Keeping a Journal...

I have kept a handwritten journal since almost 20 years now. I didn't realize it had been that long. I have always felt that I should expand on the written word and include images along with the words, so the reader has a better understanding of what I am trying to convey. After watching this You Tube Video, I am convinced I need to add images.......I think you will agree.

Start your own journal today,

W. Cleon Skousen (1913-2006) shares his way of keeping a personal journal.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,
LuAnn Kessi


  1. My mother has been keeping a handwritten journal since about the time I was born (1988). She includes photographs, cartoons, articles, recipes, and all other manner of things. It almost borders on scrapbooking, but without the pretty papers and with tons more writing.
    She's not a quilter, so I think it's her creative outlet. Mine has been photography and quilting, but I will someday be grateful when my entire life and hers are there for me long after she's gone.

  2. I'm not great on writing but I do scrapbook my quilting and travels. My choices of pictures, scraps, titles and decorative touches tell my story best since I'm a visual person. I admire you for writing and keeping up with it for 20 years. Good for you.
