My Tips n Techniques

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fabric Paper Experiment...

Click Images to Enlarge:

I have been seeing and hearing about "Fabric Paper"
I thought I better check it out for myself.
Mix 1 Part Elmer's Glue to 1 Part Water

I wet down a 9x12 piece of white muslin.
Spread it out on a sheet of plastic.
Most any fabric will work...

I crumpled up a piece of tissue paper.
Loosely spread it out across the surface of the muslin.
The tissue paper is probably 4 times larger than the fabric.
This will give you lots of wrinkles and texture.

Soak a foam brush in the glue mixture.
Squish the tissue paper down onto the fabric.
The more wrinkles the better.
Manipulate the tissue paper to fit the size of the fabric.

Fabric Paper done and ready to dry...

Place a drop cloth below the drying Fabric Papers.
The excess glue water will drip off as it dries.

Ready for Tomorrow...
Textile Paints
Dabbing paints all over the Fabric Papers

I am using Textile Paints, which will remain soft after drying.
I plan to quilt across the surface of the Fabric Papers.

CLICK HERE to see Part 2 of Fabric Paper

Harlan, Oregon

May Your Drying Time be Speedy,

To see my New Work CLICK HERE

To see the Thread Shed CLICK HERE

To see my Exhibit Quilts CLICK HERE

To see Tutorials CLICK HERE


  1. You're making it look so easy - I'm running out of reasons not to try! Can't wait to see the next step with the paints.

  2. Hi, great tutorial. If you want the fabric paper to be even softer, use Golden's Acrylic Paint medium called GAC 900. It is specially formulated to work just like clear acrylic matte medium, which can be used as an adhesive, but will remain very soft.

  3. I posted the comment above, I mis-typed. I meant MIX Golden's GAC 900 WITH either acrylic matte medium in equal parts. Then use it as an adhesive instead of the Elmer's glue.
