My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Fresh Start...

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A new wall cupboard for the Thread Shed

My son gave me the dark brown wall cupboard for Christmas.
With the crazy year I had preparing for the quilt exhibit I wasn't able to get it put up until today.
Thank You Heath. You know just what I like.

I love cupboards of all shapes and sizes.
They are great for storage and you just close the doors and the clutter is gone!

The big 3 door cupboard on the floor is the island out of our kitchen.
When we remodeled a few years ago, I claimed this for the Thread Shed.
It contains all of my landscape fabrics.

The new cupboard seems happy with all of the rest of the cupboards nearby.

I spend most of my time in this corner of the Thread Shed.
I have a chair on wheels...I can roll around and reach most anything I need while I am at the sewing machine.

This cupboard followed me home from the thrift store last week.
As soon as I saw it I knew it was a perfect fit for the Thread Shed...

My New Kitchen Center

I do not sew in my house. The Thread Shed is a separate building next to our house.
This cupboard worked perfect as a place to put all of my kitchen supplies.
I can spend as much as 12 or more hours a day out here, so I like to have tea, coffee, soup, etc.

The cupboard door opens...
It holds the coffee supplies, soup, crackers, etc.

There is room on the top shelf for all my pressing supplies.

3 Drawers down below hold coffee cups, tea bags, drink mixes and lots more!
Yes, this cupboard was a perfect fit.

I just love to find an old piece of furniture and give it a new life.

Everyone knows...move a piece of furniture around....and it affects everything in the room! The 2 new cupboards forced me into a cleaning and re-organizing tizzy.
Nothing was safe...lots of purging went on.
I am gladly donating these quilt books to my quilt guild for the silent auction next month. I know another quilter will give them a new life in her thread shed.

Now that the Thread Shed is cleaned and organized I have given myself a FRESH START. There are so many projects I am anxious to work on...

This is the first...a Fred Flintstone costume for my oldest son, Nicholas.
It will be fun to work with this bright orange fabric. I plan to mix up black textile paint for the spots on his shirt.

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

To see my New Work CLICK HERE

To see the Thread Shed CLICK HERE

To see my Exhibit Quilts CLICK HERE

To see Tutorials CLICK HERE


  1. Luann, your Thread Shed is wonderful! A real home away from home. I love your eclectic decorating style. Stay snug; enjoy sewing.

  2. Love your "new" cupboards. You are incredibly organized and neat.
    Is that a EZ sewing table?
    You MUST post a pic of Nicolas in the FF costume - too funny!

  3. Hi JoJo,
    My machine is sitting on a computer desk I found at the thrift store. The drop down shelf that is meant for the keyboard, holds the machine perfectly. I also place a BIG table on the left of me to support the larger quilts.
    LuAnn in Oregon
