My Tips n Techniques

Friday, March 13, 2009

Introducing Gunnr

I guess it is time I introduced Gunnr. He lives with us. He was a package deal. Our son moved back home 18 months ago.........and he wasn't alone.

Click images to enlarge........

Gunnr 10 weeks old

Gunnr and our son, Nicholas

6 months later.........Gunnr.......has grown

He is a gentle giant, he adores our Jack Russell, Suzy and makes us laugh every day!

" Me Got Sock "

3 years ago when our beloved Red Heeler, Cowgirl left us, we decided not to get another dog. Our children were grown, we had some freedom to travel and roam around, and no commitments here at home. That was the plan.

Nicholas moved back home to finish school and brought his puppy Gunnr with him. To make a long story short.......a year later when Nicholas moved back to town, his dad wished him well, even helped him move all of his belongings into his new apartment and informed him that Gunnr would be living at our house.

To see more posts about home CLICK HERE

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This place has gone to the dogs!


  1. Good move - move out the son and keep the cutie pie dog! LOL! I assume your son gets some sort of visitation rights. It only seems fair.

  2. Gunnr travels to town with us once a week and we stop by Nicholas' for a visit. He loves Nicholas, but he is glad to get back to the farm.
