My Tips n Techniques

Sunday, August 30, 2020



August is our month to get off the ranch

and do some traveling...

We are spending time in Wyoming

I always travel with my Paul Harvey lap quilt...

This sweet girl is a pack mule

All ponies love the Cowboy

It is evening and the light is wonderful

We love Wyoming and tend to come back
year after year after year...

It is good to be in dry country

We traveled through Yellowstone Park...

The buffalo are magnificent...

We viewed more than 1,000 Buffalo

Pronghorn Antelope

Short Eared Owl

Golden Eagle

Getting away is wonderful...

When I take my quilt along,
I travel with a little piece of home...

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Form Fitted Face Masks....


Fabric Face Masks

The child masks are FUN to create...

Pink Batik Heart Masks

A few boy themed masks

Face Masks for Women...

It is fun to dig around in the fabric cupboards

for scraps big enough to create masks...

for all those Kitty Lovers out there...

and for the Chocolate lovers...

Pretty Batik Hearts

If the scrap fabrics were big enough...

I turned them into masks.

For the Guys:


this fabric reminds me of a reptile...

For the Wildlife Lovers...

Grizzly Bears, Elk and Wolves

To encourage children to wear masks...

Parent and Child size matching masks...

It was a FUN ride mask making...

After 160 masks, I think I have mask burn out...

I am done for awhile.

I do not have a pattern or tutorial for my masks, however, below is a link to a mask making video that is very similar to the way I make mine.  I add a nose wire.  You can also iron fusible interfacing to the lining of the mask for added protection.

CLICK HERE for Mask Tutorial

CLICK HERE for Mask Patterns

CLICK HERE for Ear Elastic

CLICK HERE for Nose Wires

I am ready to get back to stitching

Improv Quilts.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Monday, August 10, 2020

Summer....Catching Up with You


Hay season is behind us...

the winter's hay supply is safely tucked away

in the barns.

Canadian Thistle

Queen Ann's Lace

So what have I been up to?

Mask Making

I am well over 100 masks...

they seem to go out of here as fast as I 

can stitch them up!

I have been playing around with improv piecing

since April...

In June I put this little 48 x 48 

improv top together.

I decided I wanted it for a new lap quilt...

So I pulled off the borders:

and started adding more sections 

to make it longer.

I lead a Jello Printing Class today

for the Harlan Valley Quilters:

We used Versatex and Speedball printing inks
on the jello plates.

They gave us lots of open time,
especially in 90 degree weather.....eek!

We printed on white cotton fabric.

This was my teaching table...

I must have been busy...

these are the only images I captured all day!

That catches you up on my far.

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi