My Tips n Techniques

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

New York Beauty.....Back up on the Design Wall

I took this NYB off the design wall

last year when we painted the walls...

It's good to have it back up on the design wall...

it fills the room with color!

It is all set up on my sewing table:

The paper pieced arcs are complete.

I have a dozen of these blocks ready to piece...

Curved of my favorites!

The blocks I am piecing will go on the sides...

It's good to have you back

Fresh 'n Fruity New York Beauty

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Graffiti Sneakers...

The Permission 2 Play instructors

are preparing for a class...

Graffiti Sneakers

Images courtesy of Kathi Borrego

Creating samples for our next P2P class

Spraying fabric paint on shoes

Sharpie Markers

Metallic Markers on black shoes

Hot Fix Crystals

 Graffiti Shoes:

Permission 2 Play
Graffiti Shoes Class
Thursday, April 28, 2016 @ 1:00
JanniLou Creations Quilt Shop
1243 Main Street
Philomath, OR 97370

Permission 2 Play
 is a FREE class offering for cancer diagnosed patients.

No experience is necessary to participate.

All supplies are provided for the students.

Classes are held the 4th Thursday of each month at
JanniLou Creations Quilt Shop, Philomath, OR

If you are interested in joining this class contact:

LuAnn Kessi

Monday, April 11, 2016

Ice Dyeing.....Sneakers

Things don't always turn out as planned...

I purchased these sneakers to participate in a

Graffiti Sneaker play day...

I was ill the day of the play day

so the sneakers sat there lonely...

A couple weeks later:

I soaked the sneakers in soda ash...

These are the dye colors I chose:

Turquoise, Sweet Alyssum, Fuchsia Red

The sneakers are placed in buckets,

Ice cubes piled on top,

dye powder on top of ice...

Several hours later the ice is melting...

The baby sneakers aren't getting very dark...

The big sneakers are taking the dye very well...

3 days is all melted

The baby shoes are not 100% cotton........sigh

After soaking, washing and drying:

The baby shoes are merely stained.

The big sneakers grabbed all the Fuchsia 

and not much else.

They need something more...

I decided to have my own private

Graffiti Sneaker play day:

After testing lots and lots of 

markers of all kinds...

The Sharpie fine point worked the best!

The staining made a great background for the

Graffiti work.

I decided to draw quilting motifs 

on my sneakers

I have been drawing quilting motifs in my

sketch book lately...

so I was all warmed up and ready 

to draw on the shoes

Yes, this was great FUN!

Get out your shoes and give this a try!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

Friday, April 8, 2016

Pancake Quilt.....DONE!

Orange Peel

Pumpkin Seed

Rob Peter to Pay Paul

Cathedral Windows

There are lots of different names for this

quilt pattern, but I call it....

The Pancake Quilt

I attended a week long retreat this week...

I am determined to finish my pancake quilt...

I had lots of help from Ralph...

the quilt retreat kitty

8 Rows...

120 pancakes and 12 rows later.....DONE!

I have Gunnr's seal of approval!

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi