Friday, March 6, 2015

Fabric Dyeing.....Play Day @ the Palace

The Art Sisters gathered at the Palace...

We are playing with MX Dyes...

Tools of the Trade...

We are using a dye recipe from Frieda Anderson's book

We are working in dye teams today...

Virginia and I are Team 1

Nancy and Kathi are Team 2

Virginia is mixing our dye colors into 7 containers...

We are mixing: Yellow, Fuchsia and Turquoise

we are each dyeing a half yard

for a total of 1 yard per container.

We have 7 dye baths here, which will give us 7 half yards

of dyed fabrics each.

Here are our fabrics hot from the dryer:

There are 28 half yard pieces of dyed fabric on the table

Team 1 Dyed Fabrics:

Even though Virginia and I used fabrics from different textile

mills, our dyed fabrics are very similar.

Team 2 Dyed Fabrics:

Nancy and Kathi also used fabrics from different textile mills

and achieved similar dyeing results

Team 1 on the left......Team 2 on the Right:

Team 1 reads more textured and fractured

Team 2 reads more solid

This is probably due to 2 factors:

Different size dyeing containers were used by each team.

The fabrics were manipulated for different amounts of time.

We are all quite pleased with this grouping of dyed fabrics!

our 5th Art Sister Beth played with soy wax resist:

Beth stamped hot soy wax on previously dyed fabrics,

then over-dyed them.

We do love us some hot soy wax!

Nancy dripped dyes vertically onto white fabric.

We await the wash out...

Show 'n Tell:

Beth created an improv quilt top 

with some of her first hand dyes...

We can't wait to see it when she gets it

off of her long arm!

Virginia created journal covers 

with her sliding pleat hand dyes.

Gather your art sisters together and have a day of PLAY!


Sunrise out the back door this morning.

CLICK HERE to see more Soy Wax Resist

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full,

LuAnn Kessi

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