My Tips n Techniques

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Midnight in the Garden......Slideshow

Because our yearly challenge is always TOP SECRET, I was never able to share much of the process of creating this quilt on this blog.

Several of you have written and told me you wished you could have seen more.

I took photos as I worked on this quilt.

Here is a slideshow I put together.


Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox

CLICK HERE:  to see My Quilts

CLICK HERE to view all of the Challenge Quilt Posts

CLICK HERE to view The Harlan Valley Quilters (my tiny guild)

CLICK HERE to view The Marys River Quilt Guild (my big guild)

May Your Bobbin Always Be Full.....of Quilts,


  1. Thanks for the smilebox. It makes your quilt seem easy. I really should try something like that sometime.

  2. Well done, I like the slide show, it helps me understand the process. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to try.

  3. LuAnn,

    This challenge quilt is just jaw-dropping; I think it's my favorite thing you've made so far. The smilebox story of its creation is very inspiring!

  4. This is spectacular. The detail makes me feel like it's almost do-able,even for me. Thanks for sharing your talent and inspiring!

  5. Oh my! I love this quilt! Your quilting is beautiful!

  6. Your slideshow is a wonderful explanation of how you made this glorious quilt!!

  7. I always enjoy your slideshows and photos but must say this quilt is quite stunning. Thanks for sharing all you do (and that is a lot!)and the great inspiration it gives.

  8. LuAnn, what a beautiful piece, and thanks for the great photos with details. It was like being there!

  9. Many Thanks to all of you for your kind and supportive comments. I appreciate the time you take to write me.
    My Best To You,
    LuAnn in Oregon

    I was enchanted by your progress and waiting anxiously for the next slide!!!! Simply Stunning, thank you!

  11. Beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to put together the wonderful slide show. It makes me want to jump out of my piecing box. The detail on quilting is also an inspiration.
    Nancy is SC

  12. Love it! Thanks for putting together the smilebox!
    I think I want to try pumpkins but you're amazing at your layout and quilting designs! So glad I found you!

  13. Fantastic quilt! I wish I had the time to quilt again, I truly miss it!

  14. Oh My Gosh--that is just lovely! I loved the slide show--you are so creative! It takes an eye of an artist to see something in splotches of color as beautiful as your flowers. Congratulations.
